An international association of lawyers and non-lawyers active in the field of fresh water resources.
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Freshwater resources are under threat at the global scale from a host of stressors, however their governance is dictated by policies and legal and institutional frameworks which are specific to each member country of the world community of nations. The disconnect between the threats the Earth’s freshwaters face at a global scale and the national/domestic scale of the governance and legal/institutional responses suggests that there is scope for a bridging normative-type instrument at the global level that provides inspiration for individual member countries of the world community as they revisit their domestic freshwater governance and legal/institutional frameworks in the face of the challenges ahead globally.
This webinar, co-organized by AIDA and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature World Commission on Environmental Law, will explore and debate the justification and possible contents of such an instrument. It will also consider a motion for a IUCN Resolution endorsing such an instrument from the perspective of the desirable legislative integration and coherence across the spectrum of human actions that impact on, or are impacted by, freshwater.
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